About Digitalstand

Thank you for showing interest in me and my website. Digitalstand is the quintessence of the insights and understandings I conclude based on my backgrounds as an it project manager and product developer working in the German startup scene, as a sociologist researching digital impacts on culture and as CEO of an successful it service provider, focusing on digital transformation, leadership and business modelling.

About me

My name is Christian, my homebase is Bremen, Germany. I am actively researching, exploring and working in the German digital industry since 2005. I am holding a masters degree in sociology granted by the University of Osnabrück and a martial arts teaching license in traditional Japanese martial arts.

I research the potencial of digital tools as a means of improvement, goal oriented communication and management, the philosphy of pragmatism, the epistmology of decision making, martial arts and leadership and so on. 

Digitalstand Guiding Principals

Improvement over Innovation
Improvement over Innovation
At Digitalstand we are not judging, but seeking to improve on things there are, understanding that cirumstances have reasons, good or bad. Change is inevitable, therefor we see improvement as the preferred change.
Green IT
Green IT
We believe that the a right and mindful integration of digital tools and robotics hold the potencial to create a healthy, embracing living environment for all beings to prospore.
We believe the choice not to hurt or kill, if it is not inevitable to once survival, should be the foundation of a life in equality, therefore we are against industrial agriculter and animal exploitation and exploitation in any kind.

unique equality
unique equality
We believe that everybody is equal in their uniqueness. Therefore we do not support discrimination or labeling in anyway, but promote an inclusive uniqueness.
Web App Development
Web App Development
We take a humanized approach when developing our clients’ optimization and testing programs.
Legacy Modernization
Legacy Modernization
We take a humanized approach when developing our clients’ optimization and testing programs.

What I have to offer

Management & Consulting
Project Management
Digital Transformation Guidance
Management Training
Digital Strategie Development
Product Development & Design Sprint
Product Design
User Need Analysis
Cost and Potential Calculation
Hypothesis Testing
Startup Mentoring
Design Sprint Workshops
Investor Pitch Optimization
Startup Retreat
Market Research

Latest Projects

My projects contain conceptional products designs and atcuall practical support and involvement in different ventures.

Any questions or Feedback?

Feel free to contact me naytime

Office Location
+ 1 223 394 8332
London, Baker Street 221 r. 34